What is feathering?
Is a semi - permanent technique using organic pigments were a hand tool is used to place individual ‘hair like’ strokes to fill in gaps, add volume and definition to create your perfect brow.
Will you touch up another Brow artists Tattoo work?
This all depends and varies case by case, best thing to is email me a picture of your brows, or book in for a consultation.
How long does it take for the tattooing to heal?
4 weeks until it’s completely healed, the after care process is 10 days.
Is it painful?
No, not at all. Feathering is just that “light as a feather” so I apply a mild numbing cream to take the edge off and most people find it very comfortable.
How long does it last?
Anywhere from 6-18 months all depends on your skin type and lifestyle. Drier skin types hold the pigment more effectively than oilier skin types.
Who is NOT suitable for the procedure?
You must be over the age of 18, not pregnant or breastfeeding. We cover your medical history in more depth prior to preforming the treatment
Can I get my touch up session sooner than 4 weeks?
No, must be a minimum of 4 weeks. It can be longer if needed.
Does it hurt afterwards?
A few hours after the treatment it feels like slight sunburn or a scratch. This goes away in 24-48 hours.
Is the tattoo permanent?
No semi permanent, because the pigment is placed quite shallow in the skin.